Get involved and show your support for bat conservation in Kent by joining Kent Bat Group! We welcome members from all around the county and beyond, and we value them all.

You may wish just to find out more about the bats flying over your garden or become actively involved by helping out at events or participating in surveys. All of these opportunities are open to our members!

Members receive:

  • The Kent Bat Group Newsletter
    Our quarterly Newsletter features articles of general interest about bats as well as updates on our work in Kent and details of forthcoming events. Newsletters are distributed as PDFs via email or can be posted as hard copies, with past issues available for download on our website by members. Here is an example of our newletter.
  • Invitations to Meetings and Events
    We hold four open meetings in the winter months with speakers on bat related topics. Some are in person, where you have the chance to chat over a drink and biscuits, some are on Zoom. There are usually also summer bat walks and other activities.
  • Bat Conservation Trust Bulletins

    These are in the Members downloads area and can be accessed via the Useful Resources page.

  • Opportunities to take part in surveys or other Kent Bat Group activities - see the events page for details



The annual membership cycle commences on 1st April each year, and existing members can expect to receive their renewal correspondence at that time. However, you are welcome to join Kent Bat Group at any point during the year, and your membership will be valid until 31st March the following year.