Here are some of the current projects and surveys which Kent Bat Group are involved with:

Motus Wildlife Tracking System Research

The Kent Bat Group is supporting Jane Harris, a very experienced bat worker, with her research using the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. Various researchers are using automated radio telemetry to simultaneously track hundreds of individuals of numerous species of birds, bats, and insects enabling impactful research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. Jane is using radio tracking devices, supplied by KBG, to tag Nathusius' pipistrelles, a species of bat now known to migrate long distances. More to follow on this when the data start coming in and are analysed.

KBG Bat Surveys

We are undertaking a program of Churchyard surveys across Kent in 2024 and would like to invite members who are registered as volunteers to participate. The surveys were developed following the kind donation of three RPA static recording detectors by the Bat Conservation Trust’s Bats In Churches project. These detectors will be used to help identify the presence of any bat roosts inside each of the Church buildings. Further details can be found by logging-in and going to My Account>My Downloads> KBG Volunteers documents.

Members can register their interest for this project and other volunteering opportunities here

Bat Conservation Trust Surveys

If you're interested in getting involved with these surveys there are a range of them in their National Bat Monitoring Programme. From sunset and sunrise surveys to roost counts. Getting involved is easy. Check out their website for one suitable for you.